Lakewood has several resources to support recycling of non-traditional materials, such as paint and electronics. Throughout the year, Sustainable Eiber participates in various events and collaborates with other neighborhoods to help neighbors keep these items out of our landfills.
Hard-to-recycle Events
Helping keep recyclable materials out of the landfill
Electronics Recycling:
Sustainable Eiber partners with the Applewood and Morse Park neighborhoods to host a free electronics and metals recycling every year, usually in early May. Watch our event calendar or Facebook for details on future events.
Paint Recycling:
Sustainable Eiber also helps host an annual paint recycling event, usually in the Fall. The last event was citywide, held in October 2022 and we collected a whopping 34,400 lbs of paint from more than 320 residents. That’s a HUGE amount of paint that was potentially diverted from the landfill and headed to a more sustainable outcome. Latex paint products were filtered and revitalized to be resold under the GreenSheenPaint label and used for the original purpose. Oil based products were used as an alternative fuel source. Watch our event calendar or Facebook for details on future events.
If you don’t want to wait for the next paint recycling event, you can recycle your paint for free at any paint store in town, including Sherwin Williams, Ace Hardware, and others. Use this PaintCare locator to find the closest drop-off site near you.
Rooney Road Recycling Center, 151 South Rooney Rd:
While not here in Eiber, Lakewood has a permanent year-round household hazardous chemical and waste recycling center available to Jefferson County residents. Residents can make an appointment to drop off materials or schedule a pickup. A small copay is required for household chemical disposal. Some items are recycled for free and some require an additional charge. The center recycles over 99% of the chemicals collected, keeping them out of our natural environment. Learn more about Rooney Road Recycling.